American & English period and country furniture prior to 1900, accessories to 1900, Oriental rugs to 1920, antique & estate jewelry, and paintings & prints to 1935. All merchandise is guaranteed by the exhibitors.
CHARLES & BARBARA ADAMS South Yarmouth, MA Bennington pottery, furniture, paintings & hooked rugs
KATE A. ALEX AND CO. Warner, NH 19th C. American, English & French garden/ home furnishings
AMERICAN DECORATIVE ARTS Canaan, NH Stevensgraphs, mission furnishings, Arts & Crafts accessories
AUTUMN POND ANTIQUES Bolton, CT 17th and 18th C. delft and English delftware, 19th C. folk art
BALLYHACK ANTIQUES Cornwall, CT American folk art & American painted furniture in original surface
BFINEART ANTIQUE PRINTS & MAPS Beverly, MA Original antique engravings & maps from 17th 19th century
BRENNAN & MOUILLESEAUX Northfield, CT Federal/classical furniture, period garden ornaments
BOB BROWN Hope, IN 19th century American furniture and appropriate accessories
HENRY T. CALLAN FINE ANTIQUES E. Sandwich, MA American & English samplers, Chinese export, Staffordshire
DE WOLFE & WOOD BOOKS Alfred, ME Rare and used books, Shaker artifacts
COLETTE DONOVAN Merrimacport, MA Early American country antiques, textiles & soulful survivors
DRAKE FIELD ANTIQUES Longmeadow, MA American furniture & accessories prior to 1840, hearth equipment
Peter Pap Oriental Rugs
The Red Horse Antiques
Autumn Pond
THE FASSNACHTS Canandaigua, NY American samplers and related items small furniture
FISKE & FREEMAN Belmont, VT 17th & early 18th C. English furniture & accessories of the period