2005 Exhibitors To be updated in April, 2006 |
American & English period and country furniture prior to 1900, accessories to 1900, Oriental rugs to 1920, antique & estate jewelry, and paintings & prints to 1935. All merchandise is guaranteed by the exhibitors. |
CHARLES & BARBARA ADAMS South Yarmouth, MA Bennington pottery, furniture, paintings & hooked rugs
KATE A. ALEX AND CO. Warner, NH 19th C. American, English & French garden/ home furnishings
AMERICAN DECORATIVE ARTS Canaan, NH Stevensgraphs, mission furnishings, Arts & Crafts accessories
AUTUMN POND ANTIQUES www.autumnpondantiques.com Bolton, CT 17th and 18th C. delft and English delftware, 19th C. folk art
BALLYHACK ANTIQUES www.ballyhackantiques.com Cornwall, CT American folk art & American painted furniture in original surface
BFINEART ANTIQUE PRINTS & MAPS www.bfineart.com Beverly, MA Original antique engravings & maps from 17th 19th century
BRENNAN & MOUILLESEAUX Northfield, CT Federal/classical furniture, period garden ornaments
BOB BROWN Hope, IN 19th century American furniture and appropriate accessories
HENRY T. CALLAN FINE ANTIQUES E. Sandwich, MA American & English samplers, Chinese export, Staffordshire
DE WOLFE & WOOD BOOKS www.dwboooks.com Alfred, ME Rare and used books, Shaker artifacts
COLETTE DONOVAN Merrimacport, MA Early American country antiques, textiles & soulful survivors
DRAKE FIELD ANTIQUES Longmeadow, MA American furniture & accessories prior to 1840, hearth equipment |
Peter Pap Oriental Rugs |
The Red Horse Antiques |
Autumn Pond |
THE FASSNACHTS Canandaigua, NY American samplers and related items small furniture
FISKE & FREEMAN www.fiskeandfreeman.com Belmont, VT 17th & early 18th C. English furniture & accessories of the period
JOHN FORSTER BAROMETERS Sarasota, FL Antique barometers & scientific instruments, cameras, telescopes
ESTER GILBERT ANTIQUES Southampton, MA 18th & 19th C. furniture & decorative accessories, early firearms
JUDD GREGORY Dorset, VT American furniture, paintings, and accessories of 18th & 19th C.
MADELINE L. GROARK ANTIQUES Centerville, MA American Hepplewhite furniture, 18th & 19th C. brass, Canton
MICHAEL & CAROL KELLOGG Hudson, OH Period Americana, folk & decorative arts of 19th & early 20th C.
DAVID & DONNA KMETZ www.donnakmetz.com Douglas, MA American paintings, listed New England artists, 19thmid 20th C
MAD RIVER ANTIQUES, LLC North Granby, CT 18th & 19th C. Americana, stoneware, textiles, hooked rugs, coin
JANE McCLAFFERTY ANTIQUES www.janemcclaffertyantiques.com New Canaan, CT American furniture and English accessories
BARRETT MENSON ANTIQUES Ashby, MA Period artwork, country furnishings, folk art
MILADYS LINENS MARSHA MANCHESTER Gardiner, ME Fancy linens & fine laces |
Judd Gregory |
David & Donna Kmetz |
Barbara Fine |
DANIEL & KAREN OLSON Newburgh, NY 18th & 19th C. American furniture, folk paintings, accessories
PETER PAP ORIENTAL RUGS, INC. www.peterpap.com San Francisco, CA & Dublin, NH Antique oriental rugs
ROBERT J. PERRY ANTIQUES Hamburg, NY Americana & folk art
DAVID ALLAN RAMSAY Cape Porpoise, ME Furnishings for home, office & garden, lighting, arch. elements
THE RED HORSE ANTIQUES www.theredhorseantiques.com Bridgewater, VT Country furniture & accessories & garden antiques
W. M. SCHWIND, JR. www.schwindantiques.com Yarmouth, ME Period American furniture, ceramics, paintings, jewelry
LEWIS W. SCRANTON Killingworth, CT New England furniture, redware, silhouettes, & hearth iron
JOY & PALMER SHANNON www.shannonantiques.com Cape Elizabeth, ME American & continental furniture, fine art, accessories
THE SILVER VAULT Woodstock, IL Fine silver of 18th, 19th, & early 20th C. ,period jewelry
JOHN & ROBIN SITTIG Shawnee-on-Del, PA Early American furniture and accessories
STEPHEN-DOUGLAS Rockingham, VT 18th - 19th C. American country furniture and domestic goods |
David Ramsay |
Fiske & Freeman |
Sylvan Hill |
SYLVAN HILL ANTIQUES www.sylvanhillantiques.com Grafton, VT 17th & 18th C. English vernacular furniture, metal, paintings
DENNY L. TRACEY ANTIQUES Ann Arbor, MI American antiques and folk art
PAUL & KAREN WENDHISER Ellington, CT 18th - early 20th C. Americana, folk art, weathervanes, silhouettes MICHAEL J. WHITMAN ANTIQUES Fort Washington, PA American & European metalware, 17th - 19th C. copper, brass |