To quote the New York Times, While all the postcard pictures of Vermont villages look alike, in fact there are as many shades of Vermont towns as there are variations on red in a maple tree. Weston is particularly inviting because it offers the most variety for visitors with differing agendas.
Fall at Goodwin's by R.Todd
Thanks to the vision of its forefathers determined to preserve its special qualities and guided by Yankee spirit and common sense, today the entire village of Weston is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Weston is tucked away in a valley, deep in the spine of Vermonts Green Mountains, only five hours drive time from New York City and three hours from Boston. The Weston Antiques Show, the first weekend in October, is at the height of the fall foliage.
The villages of Londonderry, Landgrove, Peru, Andover, and Chester are Westons neighbors. Twenty minutes from Weston are Ludlow, with Okemo Mountain Resort, and Winhall, with Stratton Mountain Resort. Manchester and Rutland, the two biggest towns around, are within 30 minutes. The picturesque villages of Dorset, Woodstock, Arlington, and Grafton are less than 45 minutes away.
THE GREATEST WEEK FOR ANTIQUING IN VERMONT: Sept 30-Oct 3, 2004 Weston Antiques Show, Sept 30Oct 3 Okemo Antiques Show, Oct 2 Ludlow Antiques Show, Oct 1-2 Bromley Mountain Antiques Show, Oct 2-3 Antiques in Vermont, Oct 3
MUSEUMS American Museum of Fly Fishing Bennington Museum Elizabeth De C. Wilson Museum Hemmings Motor News Hildene, Robert Todd Lincolns home Norman Rockwell Museum Park McCullough House Robert Frost Stone House Museum Weston Priory, a Benedictine monastery
ARTS CENTERS Bennington Center for the Arts Frog Hollow at the Equinox Vermont Arts Exchange Southern Vermont Arts Center
THEATRE/FILM/PERFORMING ARTS Ballet Manchester Dorset Theatre Festival Manchester Music Festival Manchester Film Festival Oldcastle Theatre Company Riley Rink at Hunter Park Weston Playhouse Theatre Company
PUBLIC GOLF COURSES Equinox Gleneagles Mt. Anthony Country Club Stratton Country Club Windham Golf Club
HIKING/STATE PARKS Appalachian/Long Trail Emerald Lake State Park Mount Equinox Lye Brook Wilderness Shaftsbury State Park Winhall Brook Campground Woodford State Park
OUTDOOR ADVENTURES Backroad Discovery Equinox British School of Falconry Equinox Land Rover Driving School Merck Forest & Farmland Center