CONTACT INFORMATION Weston Antiques Show, PO Box 33, Weston, Vermont 05161-0033 802-824-5307 Email:
A Benefit for Weston's Historic Preservation
The Weston Antiques Show is a benefit for the Weston Community Club, a nonprofit organization founded in 1912 whose purpose is to maintain and preserve several historic properties in the Village and to promote civic and social activities for the Town of Weston. The museums are on the National Register of Historic Places and have received statewide recognition for their interpretative presentation of their collections.
WESTON PLAYHOUSE Home of the Weston Playhouse Theatre Company, Vermonts oldest professional theatre. The award-winning theatre company reaches over 30,000 theatre-goers annually through performances during its regular summer season, fall production and New England Tour.
FARRAR-MANSUR Constructed in 1795-97, the oldest house in the village was built by Oliver Farrar as a home for his bride, Polly, and served as both a home and a tavern. It remained in the hands of only two families until 1932 when Frank Mansur donated it to be used as a museum, furnished with a fine collection of early American furnishings, paintings and artifacts, all of which were made or used in Weston.
OLD MILL & DAM Built in 1780 as a sawmill and later adapted to a grist mill, it produced lumber, farm tools, grain and even electricity for many Weston homes and farms. After undergoing massive reconstruction and renovation in 1998, today it is a museum exhibiting a renowned collection of machinery and tools from Westons industrial and farming past.
CRAFT BUILDING One of the earliest structures in Weston, exactly when it was built, and by whom, is unknown. In the early 1900s it served as the town firehouse. Now, it is home to the 18th century Weston Cornet Band Wagon.
All proceeds from food provided on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday benefit the Weston Recreation Club and Fire Department. Established in 1966, the Recreation Club maintains a picnic grove, swimming pond, tennis and basketball courts, and organizes a childrens summer recreation program. The all-volunteer Fire Department protects local properties from fire and provides emergency response services.
Pen and Ink Sketches Courtesy of Robert Cranshaw and Judith Stutt